no denver dates for your 2008 summer tour???? COME! ON! you're killing me, smalls.
i swear, if it weren't for your sexy eyebrow-arching skills, i would probably end this ne'er-waning 24-year crush. you are well aware, i'm sure, of my life-long dilligence in honing my listening skills for maximum enjoyment of your music. i was 5 when i first heard "faith"; "faith" is the second song i remember listening to on the radio (the first was phil collins "one more night", the first radio song my dad taught my brother and i three-part harmony on: "please give me one more night, give me one more night, ooo ooo ooooooooo"... yes, yes, we get it, one more night, just one more night, one more - PHIL!) and ohhhhh how "faith" moved my little soul, moved it right up into my right hand which washed the dishes to save the money that bought the cassette that george made. and the rest, peeps, is history.
so wtf, g? denvah-lovin' ain't good enough for your british bum? pffhhh*
*akin to the sound "pshaw" without the -aw, made complete with accompanying wrinkled forehead, slight eye-roll, waist-high talk-to-the-hand gesture, and derisive grunt to finish off the number
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